O governo da Índia começa a enviar as vacinas produzidas no país a partir desta quarta-feira (20), para uma lista de nações vizinhas e parceiras. O Brasil, que espera receber 2 milhões de doses do imunizante da Universidade de Oxford/AstraZeneca retidos, ainda não aparece na relação.
A Índia anunciou, ontem, o início da destruição com o fornecimento a partir desta quarta-feira (20), das vacinas subsidiadas para seis países vizinhos: Butão, Maldivas, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mianmar e Seicheles. Mas não deu data para envio do imunizante para outros países. O comunicado, publicado na página do Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Índia, não traz uma palavra sobre o Brasil, que está na fila para receber doses da vacina de Oxford, produzida em parceria com o instituto indiano Serum.
A Fiocruz aguarda a chegada de 2 milhões de doses prontas, que já tiveram o uso emergencial autorizado pela Anvisa.
Leia a íntegra da nota publicada na página do Ministério das Relações Exteriores indiano (em inglês).
Supply of Indian manufactured vaccines to neighbouring and key partner countries
January 19, 2021
- The Government of India has received several requests for the supply of Indian manufactured vaccines from neighbouring and key partner countries. In response to these requests, and in keeping with India’s stated commitment to use India’s vaccine production and delivery capacity to help all of humanity fight the Covid pandemic, supplies under grant assistance to Bhutan, Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar and Seychelles will begin from 20 January 2021. In respect of Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Mauritius, we are awaiting their confirmation of necessary regulatory clearances.
- Immunization programme is being implemented in India, as in other countries, in a phased manner to cover the healthcare providers, frontline workers and the most vulnerable. Keeping in view the domestic requirements of the phased rollout, India will continue to supply COVID-19 vaccines to partner countries over the coming weeks and months in a phased manner. It will be ensured that domestic manufacturers will have adequate stocks to meet domestic requirements while supplying abroad.
- Prior to the delivery of vaccines, a training programme, covering administrative and operational aspects, is being conducted on 19-20 January 2021 for immunization managers, cold chain officers, communication officers and data managers of the recipient countries, both at national and provincial levels.
- India had earlier supplied hydroxychloroquine, Remdesivir and paracetamol tablets, as well as diagnostic kits, ventilators, masks, gloves and other medical supplies to a large number of countries during the COVID19 pandemic.
- India has also provided training to several neighbouring countries to enhance and strengthen their clinical capabilities, under the Partnerships for Accelerating Clinical Trials (PACT) programme. Separately, several training courses have been organized for healthcare workers and administrators of partner countries under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme, sharing our experience in dealing with the pandemic.
- In an ongoing effort, India will continue to supply countries all over the world with vaccines. This will be calibrated against domestic requirements and international demand and obligations, including under GAVI’s Covax facility to developing countries.
New Delhi
January 19, 2021
Foto: EPA / Ansa